Conquering Fear

I enjoy the movie “The Wiz of Oz.” It’s a story about courage and self-discovery. Dorothy finds herself lost in the land of Oz. All she wants is to get back home. She meets a few characters on her journey that seek to help her get to her destination. They are confronted with many forms of opposition to derail them. Fear grips them from the thought of “lions, tigers, and bears” that could possibly await them as they follow the yellow brick road.

All that to say, we too are on our “yellow brick road” to our destinations in life. Fear will confront us and attempt to grip us to cause our dismay. It’s going to come whether we are ready or not. We have the choice to let it stop us or overcome it. When we choose to overcome fear, we find strength and courage we never knew we had. It was there all along hidden.

I have found that most of the time what I feared was just that, a fear! Nothing more! It was not true. I continue to challenge myself to overcome my fears as they arise. We all have them. It’s not about having them, it’s what you do with them that counts.

Published by In-Courage-Her

Everyone is on a lifelong journey. It will take knowledge, support, confidence, inspiration, motivation, and hope to finish the course. That's what InCourageHer is all about. It is a highway on this journey called life. May it encourage and lift you up along your way.

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